Aha Gazelle Goes Live On Facebook| News| @ahagazelle @trackstarz

Aha Gazelle Goes Live On Facebook| News| @ahagazelle @trackstarz

  Rapper Aha Gazelle goes live on Facebook today at 6:00pm EST to discuss his new album “Trilliam 2” that is set to drop on June 9th. It’s available for preorder now on iTunes and Google Play. When you place your order get the singles “Momma House” and “Vegeta” as instant downloads. The link for […]

Forgiven: Undeserved Mercy| Blog| @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Forgiven: Undeserved Mercy| Blog| @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Forgiveness… Such a complex topic in Christianity. A lot of people, including myself at times, feel like we have to earn forgiveness from God when we mess up and sin. It is so easy to have the feeling of self doubt, pity, and guilt about poor decisions that we make. It is mind boggling that […]

New Podcast!: God over Jesus, #WWJD, Dream Girl, Wale vs S.O. 2: 5/20/17

New Podcast!: God over Jesus, #WWJD, Dream Girl, Wale vs S.O. 2: 5/20/17

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/323713081″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]   Intro Sound Off – God over Jesus (new song) Corey Wise ft Jarry Manna-Motives (new song) No Malice- Fake News ET Report (new song) Canon ft Aaron Cole- We Been Here (new song) Propaganda ft Jackie Hill Perry & Micah Bournes-Darkie Sound Off – WWJD Top Of […]