Travis Greene Drops New Single “You Waited” | Music Leaks| @travisgreenetv @trackstarz

Travis Greene drops another blessing entitled “You Waited.” Get ready to get your praise on! Check it out and let us know what you think.
Rep Da King Mag Celebrates The Women Of Christian Hip Hop| News| @repdakingmag @trackstarz

Billy Johnson Jr. Atlanta, GA (May 12, 2017): Hip hop is a male-dominated artform, a fact that prevails in both the mainstream and Christian hip hop spaces. While many of the genre’s female artists are underrated and do not receive an equal share of the spotlight enjoyed by their male counterparts, the level of notoriety […]
Triple O Drops “Started Again” | Music Videos| @tripleomusic @trackstarz

“Started Again”, the first single from Triple O’s sophomore album ‘Zero Not Equal To One’ drop and not only is the single a banger, so is the video. Check it out and let us know what you think.
Steadman Robinson | Rep Da King Mag | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @jasonbordeaux1 @repdakingmag @trackstarz

This week I interviewed Steadman Robinson, owner of Rep Da King Magazine. We talk about his transition into running the magazine with no previous experience in that particular industry. This was a big transition from working in the mainstream radio sphere and now working in Christian Hip Hop. We also talk about the new edition […]
Jered Sanders Drops New Mixtape – Verseatility| New Music| @jeredsanders @trackstarz

The God Over Money camp’s newest artist, Jered Sanders, has not come up short in giving us plenty of heat. Since joining GOM he has dropped 2 singles (“Don’t Move That Mountain” featuring Datin, “The Hope Freestyle” & “Sinner Man” featuring Bizzle). This in just 4 short months after dropping his latest project “Nobody Famous“. […]
S.O. Drops New Single “What’s Your Name” Feat. Daramola| Music Leaks| @sothekid @itsdaramola @lampmode @trackstarz

S.O. was not playing when he said he was dropping a lot of music! The Lamp Mode emcee teamed up with Daramola to make “What’s Your Name.” In the description of the song S.O. had this to say, “When we saw how much my fans loved “I See You,” GP and I sat down right […]
Mali Music Announces New Album Title,Release Date, And New Single| News| @malimusic @trackstarz

Tuesday on May 9 2017, Mali Music announced his upcoming album ‘Transition Of Mali’ set to release on June 2, 2017. This album will be the follow up to Mali’s 2014 release ‘Mali Is..’ and is set to take the explore the revolution of the artist expanding outside his traditional sound while maintaining his R&B core. […]