Sean David Grant vs The World – line 4 line
The Trackstarz are determined to bring high-quality Godly content to the mainstream. find out more here: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRACKSTARZ —————————————————————— Check
Angie Rose Drops A New Mixtape & Visual| New Music| @angierosemusik @trackstarz

Rapper Angie Rose, after recently dropping a new single, hits us with some more new music. She releases her new mixtape entitled “Sipp’n Coffee In The Bakery”. She also drops a new video for her single “Limited Vision”. The mixtape is available now on Noise Trade and her new video is out on YouTube. […]
Ruslan Drops “Less Talking” For His Weekly Video Series| Music Video| @ruslankd @kingsdreament @trackstarz
Ruslan dropped another banger for his weekly video series called “Less Talking.” This song really challenges the listener to speak less and execute more. Check out the video as well as an additional video of Ruslan breaking down the meaning behind the lyrics of the song. Does Ruslan convict you to do “Less Talking?” Check […]
How Big Should Your Company Be? | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

When you look around at different businesses, you will see the different sizes that exist. Some people look at businesses like Hobby Lobby, Chick-Fil-A, and other major national chains and feel like that should be the goal. The truth is that not everyone is meant to have a huge business. Sometimes businesses are best to […]
Tony Tillman Drops New Single “Granny’s Couch”| Music Leaks| @thetonytillman @rmgtweets @trackstarz

Tony has been steadily dropping dope singles over the past few months. This newest single “Granny’s couch” speaks to the narrative of those who feel stuck in their current situations. Everyone wants to move out of their parents’ house or “Granny’s Couch” but Tony speaks to the fact that chasing fast money isn’t the way […]
Deraj Drops New Single “Way Up” Featuring Kassy Levels| Music Leaks| @rmgtweets @justderaj @kassylevels @trackstarz

Deraj just dropped a banger of a single on us with “Way Up” featuring Kassy Levels! with production from Malex and OnBeatMusic, the message of this song is “When people and situations strive to keep us down, we stay focused on the things above no matter what. We won’t settle for low standards when God […]
‘Wonder Years’ Album Review| Album Review| @seandavidgrant @trackstarz @kennyfresh1025

It’s been a long time coming and finally it is here. Trackstarz’ own Sean David Grant dropped his album ‘Wonder Years’ the biggest release from Trackstarz this year so far. Sean crafted this album to be patterned after the life of a Believer and the word “Wonder” he used in the title is very fitting. […]