Importance Of Time | Business With Bordeaux | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Check out this week Business With Bordeaux! It is an excellent podcast on the importance of time…how we spend our time, spare time and as always, Jason gets real, which is always encouraging! Check it out and be encouraged!
Selah The Corner Drops ‘Highpotenoose’| Music Leaks| @iamthacorner @iqwitmusic @mynameisbizzle @trackstarz
It’s been a long time coming, but we have new music from Selah The Corner! Dropped on 4/20 this song “Highpotenoose” is right on time. This song is not just about weed (many are split on whether it’s lawful or sinful) but also with idolatry. The spelling of the title could lead to different interpretations: […]
Aha Gazelle Drops “Momma House” Single| Music Leak| @ahagazelle @reachrecords @trackstarz

Aha Gazelle has been making waves for a nice little minute and people were excited and confused when he signed to Reach Records. Many may have wondered what that would look like but now they don’t have to wonder. Aha dropped the first single from the upcoming project ‘Trilliam 2’ titled “Momma House.” This banger […]
Wonder Years Freestyle Challenge Continues…| Freestyle| @seandavidgrant @trackstarz

So a BIG shout out to everyone who participated in the #wonderyearschallenge last week. The universe has bars! We’re going to keep the flow going. The contest is over, but we are going to keep the challenge going. Go to SoundCloud to get the beat and submit a video your verse the TRACKSTARZ Instagram […]