“The One With My Rap Friends” Cypher W/ T-Rell, Lauren Michel, CJ King and Adalid| Music Leaks| @whoisadalid @cjkingmusic @Lauren_Lechim @iamTrellBrown @trackstarz

Collaborations and Cyphers both videos and songs are probably my favorite parts of Hip Hop culture. One of the dope things that comes out of networking is dope and creative collaborations and this song “The One With My Rap Friends” is no exception! What’s unique about this track is that all of the artists featured […]
Is Your Business Self-Serving? | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
One of the biggest things I hear kids talk about is starting a business so they can have money, be their own boss, not have to answer to anybody else, etc. Starting and successfully running a business in today world is hard. It isn’t as easy as people think just because so many people are […]
Gawvi Drops New Single – “Rock N Roll”| New Music| @gawvi @elhae @trackstarz

Gawvi is still coming strong with singles in anticipation of his first full length project “We Belong”. It is available now for preorder on iTunes and Google Play. His latest single is entitled “Rock N Roll” and features Elhae. Check it out and let us know what you think.
God Over Money – #TruthMusicTour| News| @mynameisbizzle @sevinhogmob @datin_tripled @thisl @eshonburgundy @trackstarz

The God Over Money camp ramps up for a 25 city tour. The tour will be titled the Truth Music Tour and will feature God Over Money artists Bizzle, Sevin and Datin. Then from The Nftry label Eshon Burgundy and from Full Ride Music Group Thi’sl. Go to www.godovermoney.com to purchase tickets for a show near […]