Business With Bordeaux Podcast | Fred Towles | @ttginc @mrtowles @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

This week we interviewed Fred Towles from The Towles Group Inc. Fred is an accountant, business finance expert, and consultant. He shares a lot of advice for upcoming entrepreneurs as well as a 5 step process to focus on before getting started on a business venture. Don’t miss his great advice on this episode.
Don’t Ride The Wave | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
There have been countless times where I have heard this company is going to be the Uber of the food industry or another company is going to be the Airbnb of cars. So many new companies are trying to be the imitation of other successful companies. Most of those companies end up failing. This is […]
Rian Green ‘The Lost Majority’ EP Review| Album Review| @rian_green_ @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz

Few things are better than when an artist opens up and puts their life on wax. In a world full of artists and people in general being fake, the real will always be appreciated. Up and comer artist Rian Green gives us his life on his record The Lost Majority. Rian calls it an EP, […]