Religion vs. Relationship: What’s the Difference?| Blog| @trackstarz @ryanmw92

Religion vs. Relationship: What’s the Difference?| Blog| @trackstarz @ryanmw92

Religion vs. Relationship…such a hard topic to talk about nowadays it feels like. When the topic of religion comes up, I feel like people separate based on these two words. Why is that? I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this subject. I know personally speaking with my faith, I have experienced both sides […]

Christians, Shut Up (Please)| Podcast| @mike_sarge @trackstarz

Sometimes, people have the habit of talking too much on issues or topics they don’t know enough about. Whether they are: politicians, sports analysts, TV hosts, or people on social media – most people have been irritated with the same issue. Mike Sarge explains why Christians should be careful of talking too much as well. […]