Mouthpi3ce Drops Teasers| New Music| @mouthpi3ce @jeredsanders @deeblackmusic @hisstorymg @trackstarz

In anticipation of his new album, “The Spectacle”, to be released on February 28th Mouthpi3ce drops 2 singles today entitled “When I Was Bad” and “Closed Caption” featuring God Over Money artist Jered Sanders and label mate Dee Black. Both tracks are available now on SoundCloud. His full album will be available on all digital […]
Rian Green “Chickens & Eagles” | Music Leak | @rian_green_ @trackstarz

Check out the single from Rian Green titled Chickens & Eagle” from his album ‘The Lost Majority’ :
Mike Sarge Announces New Album Release, Cover Art, And Tracklisting ‘Outta Line’| Music News | @mike_sarge @trackstarz

(NEWS) ‘Outta Line’ EP Cover & Tracklisting revealed. Recording artist Mike Sarge has announced that he will be releasing a new EP next month. The Atlanta-MC’s upcoming project is titled the “Outta Line EP” . The EP will be the 1st release of 2017 from Mike Sarge and is set to release March 24th 2017. Mike […]
Birthday Prayer| Blog| @coachdpolite @trackstarz

I celebrated a birthday a few weeks ago and a sister-in-CHRIST left me this prayer. May it bless you as it has blessed me: May you have a happy birthday, filled with God’s presence and grace. May your understanding of others and their cultures increase, and enable you to build bridges for the purpose of […]