Jered Sanders – The Hope Freestyle
FREE D/L Nobody Famous Album On iTunes Now!!!
Jered Drops New Freestyle| News| @jeredsanders @mynameisbizzle @trackstarz

2017 has been a phenomenal year for the emcee Jered Sanders and we’re still in the first quarter! Jered dropped the amazing project Nobody Famous and announced signing to the movement/label known to all as God Over Money. Mr. Sanders has surely earned a rest, but he is doing the exact opposite and continuing to […]
Bouncing Back From Brokenness Part I| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Recently, I did an interview regarding accepting God’s no, which feels like brokenness and confusion while we are experiencing it. Sometimes it is hard to get back to life as we’ve known it before the brokenness because we’ve learned to function from a different position. A position of lowliness, and often the wrong perspective because […]
Sun Whoa Love and Dav D Beats Set to Drop New Project ‘Black Samurai Music’| News| @sunwhoalove @davdbeats @trackstarz

The word “samurai” roughly translates to “those who serve.” In the age of the Samurai, it was honorable to be obedient to your lord. SuNWhoa exemplifies these ideologies in all aspects of his life as he commits himself to obedient service to the Lord of lords. Black Samurai Music, which will be available for streaming and purchase on all […]
Taelor Set To Drop Solo Album ‘In The Way Of Me’| News| @taelor_gray @trackstarz

In the midst of promoting the Elevationists’ project Jacob and Judas, Taelor Gray announced his own upcoming album In The Way of Me. This project is slated to release on February 24, 2017. After you cop Jacob and Judas, get yourself ready for Taelor’s In The Way of Me by pre-ordering it on iTunes. Which […]