My Introduction To Trackstarz| Blog| @iamjeremaya @trackstarz

My Introduction To Trackstarz| Blog| @iamjeremaya @trackstarz

I always wanted to be apart of a CHH/urban gospel radio station. It’s a dream of mine to own a station that plays good quality CHH & urban gospel music. I was DJing at a Destinations event and at youth events at different churches. Seantana was over Destinations and I met him in our former […]

New Podcast!: Death Row, The Long Game, CHH Advice, Logic vs NF 2: 1/28/17 @trackstarz

New Podcast!: Death Row, The Long Game, CHH Advice, Logic vs NF 2: 1/28/17 @trackstarz

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]   Intro Noteworthy – Death Row Steven Malcolm ft Andy Mineo & Hollyn- Party In The Hills Swoope-Lambo ET REPORT Lecrae ft Ty Dollar Signs -Blessings Noteworthy – The Long Game Top Of The Hour Gawvi-Late Nights Top Lists – Top 5 Tips for CHH Artists Throwback Song […]