Cody Church| Whoyaking?| @beinthachurch @trackstarz

Check out the single from Cody Church titled ‘Whoyaking?‘ right here:
P.U.S.H. – Life of Elijah | Blog| @coachdpolite @trackstarz

1 Kings 17:19-22 Last week we spoke about how Elijah, the prophet of GOD, was surprised by the sudden death of the widow’s son. Elijah was confused and did not understand what was going on, but his response to the widow was,”Give me your son.” Elijah did not know all of the details but he knew […]
Alano Adan’s ‘Meanwhile’ Trends On Datpiff Mixtape Website|News|@thisisalano @trackstarz

Alano’s project ‘Meanwhile’ has been out for less than a week and it is already making waves in the mainstream. Apparently the project is on the “Promoted Mixtapes” and “What’s Hot This Week” sections on the popular mixtape streaming website Datpiff. It’s very encouraging to see music with a message make waves and make those […]
KamBINO Comes Back With A Vengeance With ‘The Preface III Legends Never Die’| News| @kambino79 @trackstarz

2017 is only a week in but it’s already answering prayers! Seemingly out of nowhere KamBINO dropped a massive project, The Preface III Legends Never Die. This project is a 15 tracks chock full of the lyricism Kam is known for. After a verse here and there in 2016 it feels good to hear an entire KamBINO […]