How To Get It Done | Marriage Monday| @chicangeorge @trackstarz

One of the biggest ongoing problems that happens in marriage is lack of communication. Many times, when a wife wants her husband to do something, he either ignores her or doesn’t do it. We can see this happen commonly within sitcoms, movies and within jokes done by stand up comedians. Studies show that men and women think differently and have also shown that men are generally single taskers. They can only do one thing at a time. Whereas women are very efficient multi-taskers. After listening to both sides speak and wanting me to speak on it during a Marriage Monday, I have the answer for both sides to get things done around the house. Taking this into consideration, here are some things to consider within getting things done around the house:


MEN: When your wife is speaking to you. Stop doing your current task and listen. She deserves that much respect.

WOMEN: Have an expectation that you may have to repeat what you asked your husband to do. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you, he may have just forgot.

MEN: When asked to do something for your wife, make sure that you do it 100% completely.

WOMEN: Don’t get upset if your husband doesn’t do the thing that you want him to do with a “wanting heart.” Many men don’t want to do dishes, laundry, etc. So, if he does, enjoy the fact that he did.

MEN: If you want your wife to give you more attention or sex, then you need to give her more time and gifts. They don’t have to be expensive gifts, just something as simple as flowers, a new album, dinner for the night, etc.

WOMEN: You have a natural instinct to give. You have to learn to take sometimes in your marriage. Demand for your attention. Don’t let it get to a point where you are ready to leave and blind side him by bringing up divorce.

It starts off with simply acknowledging each others needs. Once the conversation begins, than this can lead to getting things done in the house, outside the house and inside the marriage. Spread The Soup!