Parenting Advice: 3 Reasons To Teach Kids About Money| Beleaf in Fatherhood| @beleafmel @trackstarz

Parenting Advice: 3 Reasons To Teach Kids About Money| Beleaf in Fatherhood| @beleafmel @trackstarz

Check out today’s episode of Beleaf in Fatherhood: Parenting Advice: 3 Reasons To Teach Kids About Money. 3 Reasons: 1. Fighting Against Entitlement 2. Work Ethic 3. Responsibility   Financial Peace Junior Kit:… FPU CLASS:… Beleaf In Fatherhood P.O. Box 6556 Oceanside,Ca 92052 For more music info visit For updates Follow Instagram: […]

Mike Sarge Unleashes Harley Quinn| @mike_sarge @trackstarz

Mike Sarge Unleashes Harley Quinn| @mike_sarge @trackstarz

Shortly after releasing his “Excuse the Honesty” album, Mike Sarge released ‘Soul Symmetry‘. Now he has blessed us with another gem “Harley Quinn.” If you are a fan of Harley Quinn or the Suicide Squad then this song is for you. As a way to show appreciation to his fans, Sarge is giving this song […]

CHH Fans And The Lost Art Of Listening| @kennyfresh_1914 @trackstarz

This past week has been nothing short of frustrating for me. Music is a great thing you can enjoy because it is simple and almost everyone connects with and speaks the language of music. Art is open to the interpretation of the listener once the artist releases it to the public, which is a good […]

Right Rule | God and Government| @coachdpolite @trackstarz

Isaiah 9:6-7: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of […]

Why We Should Vote This Coming Election| @korthwest @trackstarz

For months, if not longer we have been inundated with this coming election (as we are each term via various media outlets, which is ok, as I believe it is an extra way to become educated…as long as it is not the propaganda commercials lol) with whom we should vote for and why. Over the past […]

Moses Uvere | Problems Video Review | @mosesuvere @chicangeorge @trackstarz

  Not only is Moses Uvere a great Dallas Christian artist, but he is a man with a huge heart. One of my favorite songs/videos from him was “Problems.” I remember reviewing his album “Mind the gap” and really liking this song. I could imagine pretty cool visuals that he would’ve done to really show […]