Somesay |Triumph| @whoissomesay @trackstarz

Check out the new single from SomeSay titled Triumph right here:
Trustworthiness: A Pillar of Character |Business With Bordeaux| Audio Blog| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Character. Everybody has one. This includes the qualities, disposition, and core values of an individual. Character is important in the business world for employees and managers alike. There are 6 main pillars of character that include: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. I will take the next 6 weeks and talk about each pillar […]
3 Things I Learned About Law And Order From Donald Trump| @chicangeorge @trackstarz

Monday night was a night many wouldn’t forget. It was a night that we saw two rival teams battling each other to enhance their record and prove to their fans that they were going to bring home the title. One team was trying to prove that they could “rise up” to the challenge while the […]