J. Kwest | Finish This Freestyle Audio | @pureKwest @trackstarz
We ask for rappers that talk about stuff that matters and sound dope doing it. Those are the roots of hip hop, and with this election season heating up, I’m sure your timelines are going crazy. With Charlotte and Tulsa and the “Kaepernick Kneel” going down, J.Kwest is a Chicago emcee saying what a lot […]
Tightrope Walking| I Write To You| @coachdpolite @trackstarz
Last week we discussed one of the Apostle John’s purposes for writing the book of 1 John. John expressly states he writes to them so they may not sin (1 John 2:1). What are your thoughts on that? Is the Apostle talking crazy when he says this? Is he evoking too high of a standard? It […]
Conquest | Dear White People Audio | @radicalonfire @trackstarz

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2391078529 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] Brooklyn based emcee/lyricist/songwriter CONQUEST releases “Dear White People (I Love White People)” This is a new millennium pro-black anthem from a Christian perspective that’s racially inclusive rather than exclusive. “Dear White People,” (produced by BEAT COUNCIL & CONQUEST himself) expresses the ideal resentment of other races or […]
Ruslan – They Don’t Know| New Video| @ruslankd @j19music @trackstarz

Ruslan Drops his third Visual from his upcoming album Americana. Check out the video for “They Don’t Know” here: Also get your copy of Americana on iTunes on 9/30 by Ruslan: https://itun.es/us/ryQWeb
K-Drama | Holistic Video Review | @kdrama513 @chicangeorge @trackstarz
You can’t mention the greats without mentioned K-drama. I remember thinking that not only was he a great rapper, but he was a hilarious guy. I remember seeing him perform and speaking with him at the Citytakers conference years ago and he was a very down to earth guy. I always thought he was […]