Sean C. Johnson | Uno Video | @SeanCJohnson @Trackstarz
The #RaceTheSun series from Sean C. Johnson continues with the next visual installment. Part 4 is titled “UNO” and picks up where Part 3: “Angels” left off and let’s listeners know that there is only ONE true God who is often imitated, but never duplicated. Where there was once death, there is now life! Check […]
The Power of Advertising |Business With Bordeaux| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Super Bowl Sunday is the one time I look forward to television advertisements. On average it cost around 4.5 million dollars for a 30 second spot on air. Advertisers pay for the show to go on most of the time. Sponsors will pay someone money if they believe in what they are doing or are […]
THOTS TONIGHT-Don’t Miss It | Revel | @revelstage @trackstarz

Who: REVEL & TRACKSTARZ What: spoken word | hip hop | acoustic Where: 2619 Ben Hill Rd; East Point, GA 30344 When: Aug 26th 2016, 8PM Tickets: $5 in advance; $8 at the door Artists: Celita | Sean David Grant | Wanesha Spencer | Lamar James | Domingo Guyton | Samantha | Jam Girl Blitz […]