Butta P | My 1st Experience with Christian hip hop | @SketchtheJ @ButtaP @Trackstarz
Check out Sketch the Journalist as he interviews Butta P about her introduction to Christian hip hop and the start of her music career. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Aha Gazelle | Trilliam Review | @ahagazelle @j19music @trackstarz

New Orleans rapper and vocalist Aha Gazelle, after 4 free mixtapes drops his first retail EP, Trilliam. 2 of those mixtapes were titled Beemo and I & Beemo and I 2. This project here was originally going to be the final mixtape to this trilogy and going to be entitled Beemo and I 3, but […]
Don’t Allow Anyone to Cause you to Lessen the Way You See Yourself| @Intercession4aG @trackstarz
Don’t allow anyone to cause you to lessen the way that you see yourself bringing you down to an image that you are not: It is God’s will that we will have a healthy self esteem about ourselves. We are made in God’s image and likeness (Genesis 1:27) . Therefore we learn from God how […]