A. Ward Going International|News|@Iam_AWard @KingOfTheDot @trackstarz
God keeps opening doors for Christian Battle Rappers! A. Ward will be on a King of The Dot event card! For those who don’t know, King Of the Dot Entertainment is a Canada based battle rap league and also a very well known league. A. Ward will be battling on their World Domination 6 event […]
Failure, A Key To Growth |Bordeaux’s Business Blog| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Success is usually a goal for everyone. It can be in sports, education, job market, or even hobbies. No matter what we do in life, we will end up failing at some point. If we don’t fail at one point, we aren’t trying hard enough. A long time ago, I wanted to learn how to skate, but […]
Gawvi Releases EP-Lost In Hue| @gawvi @reachrecords @trackstarz

“The secret to making a great song is a consistent melody and simplicity overall.” -Gawvi Today, Reach Records artist, Gawvi dropped his first solo EP “Lost in Hue.” So far people are raving about this project, just in the 30 mins after it dropped. If you’re an EDM fan, you will most definitely love this […]
Derek Minor Announces Upcoming Album|News|@thederekminor @trackstarz
Derek Minor dropped a video accompanied by some Spoken Word to announce the premise behind his upcoming album Reflection, dropping on October 14, 2016. Derek explains what it means to reflect Greatness, which has been the mantra behind his label Reflection Music Group. While waiting for the album, Derek does leave his fans with a […]