Skills and Trade |Bordeaux’s Business Blog| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
This week is going to be as much about you as your kids. I love to think of life in simple processes and build form there. Back in the day, people would trade goods and services directly. People would trade produce, livestock, weapons, clothing material, and much more. People were usually raised to be able […]
Alumni Makes the Grade|Album Review| @Swade_TRBL @kennyfresh_1914 @trackstarz

July 1st saw the debut release of Swade’s Alumni album. The Strt Trbl artist has littered many songs on his Soundcloud that range from trap to boom bap and back again. This latest offering is something unique and an amazing experience for the listener and with that, let’s gets into Alumni, possibly the best album […]
Sean David Grant | Paper Weapons ft Ric Sincere

Check out Sean David Grant’s new single Paper Weapons ft Ric Sincere: