Why My Black Life Ultimately Doesn’t Matter (@trackstarz @thisisraysurnet)

No room for cozy intros with this topic, let’s dig in. In wake of all of the police brutality (well, the current cases anyway) someone, somewhere established the Black Lives Matter movement to supposedly combat police brutality among Black people. (Sidebar: I HATE the term African American when used to refer to Americans with ancestors […]
Hostyle Gospel |Clap feat. Gemstones Audio | @HostyleGospel @1Gemstones @OfficialTJonez @trackstarz

The “Clap” concept is about being able to applaud ourselves as believers no matter what everyone else says or does. We are given so many reasons to be defeated and hold our heads low, but it is in those times when we are at our bottom, all alone that we have to “Clap” for […]