The Temptation to Dishonor Men| @Intercession4aG #trackstarz @trackstarzuniverse

It is in no way easy to be a single woman of God in waiting. The pain that we face from disappointing hopefuls or no hopefuls at all; breeds a rejection that is indescribable. Often the above described leads us to want to place the blame on someone. What if more men were in position […]
Sho Baraka Signs to Humble Beast (@amishobaraka @humblebeast @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1)

Since Sho Baraka left Reach Records a few years ago, many have questioned about his next move and if he would sign with another label or even start his own. He released Talented Xth independently and has now joined up with the Humble Beast team. After Trip Lee released a picture with Sho Baraka, Tedashii and […]
Street Hymns rebounds in latest Battle | @streethymns @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

Street hymns is back in a major way!!!! After his debut on Bullpen Battle League against Riggz, Street Hymns struggled against a crowd that wasn’t feeling him and an opponent who was ready for him. This author was concerned about how Street would rebound, but he came with the heat! Calling out how he caught […]
Aha Gazelle// New Single “Supreme”| @ahagazelle @trackstarz
Check out the new Summer Anthem single by Lousianna Rapper Aha Gazelle, “Supreme!”
KC Higher Art Cypher| Music with a Mission| @trackstarz @iam_AWard @sauceremix @kennyfresh_1914

One of the best parts of hip hop is the cypher: a group of skilled lyricists spitting nothing but bars. Add in a belief in Jesus and a love for one’s city and you get the Kansas City Higher Art Cypher. Twelve of Kansas City, Missouri’s best drop bars. A truly enjoyable and rewind worthy […]
A Godly Response to the Orlando Shooting |@trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1

By now most have heard of the horrific shooting that occurred in Orlando, Florida on Sunday around 2am. I saw the news Sunday morning and was immediately saddened. I did not have all the information at the time; I just hoped these people were followers of Jesus and that I would meet them in eternity. […]