Insight From My Garden (@trackstarz @thisisraysurnet)

My family and I are growing our own garden. This is funny to me as I’ve never even been able to keep a cactus alive, but we forge on nonetheless. Every step of this process has been amazing to me! I don’t consider myself a survivalist but I do see a need for self sufficiency. […]
J. Giles Son | Distractions (@JGilesSon)

Don’t Let Your Mad Make You Bad| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #52verses52weeks
Ephesians 4:26– “In your anger do not sin” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry” It would be silly to think that as a Christian, you would never get mad or angry. None of us are perfect and we can see several influential biblical leaders had anger in some sort […]