Do I Need A College Degree? |Bordeaux’s Business Blog| (@trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1)

I am a huge believer in getting educated and going to college. I am also a huge believer in people paying for what they need. A college degree is only worth the knowledge gained while getting it. Many people get a degree in a field that is so specialized, many jobs aren’t available to them […]
You’re Not Heavyset, You’re fat |Beleaf in Fatherhood|@beleafmel @trackstarz

Check out episode #7 from the return of Beleaf in Fatherhood. New episodes every Monday and Thursday. Subscribe to Beleaf in Fatherhood on YouTube. “I think I may have overrated to the news…”
Humble Beast| 101 – Daddy Issues | @Humblebeast @Trackstarz #DaddyIssues

Cole Brown’s “Daddy Issues” is the first video from Humble Beast 101, a collection of classes on social, theological, and cultural topics, brought to you by Humble Beast and Western Seminary. They will be releasing these classes periodically as free content, so keep an eye out!