We cannot live on the intentionality of yesterday in our relationship with our spouse or with God. Just like we planted specific seeds to get to where we are today; we are going to have to plant specific seeds to not only move to where we are to go for tomorrow, but to maintain our footing of where we are currently avoiding backtracking.
We go from glory to glory in our relationship with God. Even though there are rough patches at times along the way, we end up treading on higher ground. Well, sometimes we avoid our responsibility in the process and expect things to happen naturally. This isn’t the case.
For those of us in a relationship, in the beginning we were very intentional to answer the phone every time our boo called, made time to spend with him or her. We set aside time where we would not be distracted from listening to and communing with our loves to really understand and see where they were coming from. But after a while, we felt like we had them. We took them for granted. We made doing the things that we did before a chore or fell back altogether.