New Podcast! Trackstarz: Celebrities, WYR, Certification, Logic vs Tragic Hero: 4/9/16 (@trackstarz)

New Podcast! Trackstarz: Celebrities, WYR, Certification, Logic vs Tragic Hero: 4/9/16 (@trackstarz)

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Intro Sound Off Should we have Christian Celebrities? Entertainment Report WYR be Donald Trump or George W Bush | be Bill Cosby or RKelly Noteworthy Should Christian Artists be Certified? Playlist

John Givez Drops 2 Dolla Mic (Demo) | @trackstarz @JohnGivez @kennyfresh_1914

John Givez Drops 2 Dolla Mic (Demo) | @trackstarz @JohnGivez @kennyfresh_1914

John Givez has been a very busy man! Between recording  the Dream Junkies newest album “Good Religion,” the newest Get a Bar video, not to mention a TV appearance on the Carson Daly show, John somehow manages to give the people some excellent music to ride to. Judging from the artwork on the demo and […]

You Can’t Unbake A Cake | #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

You Can’t Unbake A Cake | #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

  Divorce should never be an option in a marriage. Divorce is similar to unbaking a cake. Cake has several ingredients: flour, baking soda, butter, salt, eggs, milk and vanilla extract. These ingredients make a complete cake. None of those items taste good by themselves (ok possible milk or vanilla extract) or can give you the […]