Money Is A Tool (@jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz)

In today’s church I hear so much talk against money. It seems as if money in itself is evil and should be avoided at all cost. If any churches have an abundance of money than they are often deemed as crooked. Should it be that way? How can we change the thought of money in […]
A. Ward Headed To URL | @Iam_AWard @trackstarz @Kennyfresh_1914

Kimzy Aaron Ward, better known to many as A. Ward, has been making some serious noise over the past year with his battle raps. With 3 battles under his belt and over 90,000 views (according to, A. Ward is poised to head to the big stage of battle rap, which is the URL (Ultimate […]
“Welcome To The Faith” Video Review| #Throwbacktheology |@truthonduty @chicangeorge @Trackstarz
Ok… I know what some of you may be thinking. If you are a true Da Truth fan (see what I did there?) or a true CHH fan, then you know technically… this isn’t his real video. It’s a fan made video that actually mashes Jurassic 5’s video for “We know something.” Guess what? […]
Sevin’s Purple Heart Releases Tomorrow (@sevinhogmob @mynameisbizzle @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1)

Sevin’s album “Purple Heart” is set to release tomorrow April 8th. This is Sevin’s first album as an official God Over Money artist. Here is his newest single “Surrender”: Tracklist: 1. Forgiven 2. Righteous War (feat. Illuminate) 3. Blow My High 4. Surrender 5. Time Go (feat. Bizzle & Eric C) 6. Purple Heart […]