Th3 Saga vs. Chilla Jones: A Lesson In Being Completely Healed | @th3saga @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

On December 12, last year at the Gramercy Theater in New York, a battle rap event took place entitled “A Perfect Day to Die.” Th3 Saga took part in it and has been making great strides in the battle rap world. His performance was great but something interesting happened in the third round. Battle Rap […]
How We Wait Determines Our Outcome| @Intercession4aG @trackstarz

Everyone has to wait for something in life. As believers, that is part of our development in learning how to trust in the Lord. In my new book, “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide.” I discuss how I have been blessed as a single to see both sides of the spectrum. Meaning, I have been blessed […]
Sports Hoard- Your Week In Sports (@thisisraysurnet @trackstarz)

Welcome to Sports Hoard! This week has been less than adventurous, but there was a hero at a baseball game! At a Pirates spring training game, a dad saved his son from a near disaster. Pirates outfielder Danny Ortiz, said he had no idea what happened until he got home and heard about it from his wife. […]