Trackstarz to Partner with Rap Resurrection Radio & TV (@RapResurrection @LivingWitnessTV @aeompr)

The Trackstarz have found yet another home! We are happy to announce our newest partnership with Rap Resurrection Radio, Rap Resurrection TV, and Living Witness TV. Our goal has always been to partner with other great brands in an effort to reach the masses with the intent and purpose of spreading the gospel. Thanks to […]
Plan For Success With Advisers | #MarriageMonday | @chicangeorge @trackstarz

Proverbs 15:22– ” Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Many of us come from dysfunctional families. Whether it was because of divorce or lack of our parents understanding their roles as a spouse/parent , the majority of us (according to several polls, stats and personal experiences) […]